We are a small, friendly traditional shul in Santa Barbara. Join us at our Shabbat services, High Holydays, and special events!
New to town or visiting?Looking to attend a Shabbat morning service? We are a small, friendly traditional shul that follows orthodox ritual and Torah service. While we do not have a mechitzah, we do have separate seating for women and men. Sign up to join us, we’re excited to meet you!
Events Join us weekly for Shabbat services and for Yom Tovim.
Join us for our monthly Shabbat Dinner. Next dinner will be held on Friday, February 7th at 6:30 PM. RESERVATIONS required. Learn more. Check back for future dates. High Holydays 5786 - Check back for details |
Torah Study |
Explore weekly Torah study material with orthodox and conservative sources.